Armor Enchantments
Name | Description | Applies To | ️ Conflicts With |
Aquaman | Grants Water Breathing effect. | Helmet | - |
Bunny Hop | Grants Jump Boost effect. | Boots | - |
️ Cold Steel | Applies Mining Fatigue to the attacker. | Chestplate | - |
Darkness Cloak | Applies Darkness effect to the attacker. | Chestplate | - |
Elemental Protection | Reduces Poison, Magic, Wither, Lightning, Freeze damage. | All Armor | - |
Flame Walker | Creates magma blocks over lava, immune to magma damage. | Boots | Frost Walker |
Fire Shield | Ignites the attacker like Thorns. | Chestplate | - |
️ Ice Shield | Freezes and slows down the attacker. | Chestplate | - |
Hardened | Grants Damage Resistance on receiving damage. | Chestplate | - |
Night Vision | Grants Night Vision effect. | Helmet | - |
Rebound | Gives the effect of landing on a slime block. | Boots | Feather Falling |
Regrowth | Restores hearts over time. | Chestplate | - |
Saturation | Restores food and saturation over time. | Helmet | - |
Self-Destruction | Creates an explosion on death. | Chestplate | - |
Sonic | Grants Speed effect. | Boots | - |
Stopping Force | Reduces knockback when damaged. | Leggings | - |
Treasure Hunter | Chance to find more loot in loot chests. | Helmet | - |
Bow Enchantments
Name | Description | Applies To | ️ Conflicts With |
Bomber | Chance to launch TNT instead of an Arrow. | Bows, Crossbows | Power, Punch, Flame, Flare, Ender Bow, Ghast |
Ender Bow | Chance to launch an Ender Pearl instead of an Arrow. | Bows, Crossbows | Ghast, Bomber, Flare |
Ghast | Chance to launch a Fireball instead of an Arrow. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Bomber, Flare |
Flare | Chance to create a torch where arrow lands. | Bows, Crossbows | - |
Sniper | Increases projectile speed. | Bows, Crossbows | - |
Hover | Chance to launch an arrow with Levitation effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
️ Lingering | Makes tipped arrows generate a lingering effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Confusing Arrows | Chance to launch an arrow with Nausea effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Dragonfire Arrows | Chance to launch an arrow with Dragon Breath effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Darkness Arrows | Chance to launch an arrow with Darkness effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Electrified Arrows | Chance to launch an arrow with Lightning effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Explosive Arrows | Chance to launch an arrow with Explosion effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Poisoned Arrows | Chance to launch an arrow with Poison effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Vampiric Arrows | Chance to restore health on arrow hit. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Withered Arrows | Chance to launch an arrow with Wither effect. | Bows, Crossbows | Ender Bow, Ghast, Bomber |
Tool Enchantments
Name | Description | Applies To | ️ Conflicts With |
Blast Mining | Chance to create an explosion that mines all blocks. | Pickaxes | Tunnel, Veinminer |
Divine Touch | Chance to mine a Spawner with its Entity Type. | Pickaxes | Smelter |
Haste | Chance to receive Haste effect on block break. | Tools | - |
Lucky Miner | Chance to receive more exp from mined blocks. | Pickaxes | - |
Replanter | Automatically replant crops on harvest or right-click. | Hoes | - |
Silk Chest | Saves chest content when broken. | Disabled | Disabled |
Smelter | Chance to smelt dropped items into materials. | Tools | Silk Touch, Divine Touch |
Telekinesis | Moves all block loot directly to inventory. | Tools | - |
Tunnel | Mines a 1x2 area at level I, 3x3 at level III. | Pickaxes, Shovels | Veinminer, Blast Mining |
️ Veinminer | Mines the whole ore vein at once. | Pickaxes | Tunnel, Blast Mining |
Fishing Enchantments
Name | Description | Applies To | ️ Conflicts With |
Auto Reel | Automatically reels in on bite. | Fishing Rod | - |
Double Catch | Increases caught items by x2. | Fishing Rod | - |
Seasoned Angler | Increases gained XP from fishing. | Fishing Rod | - |
Survivalist | Automatically cooks caught fish. | Fishing Rod | - |
River Master | Increases casting distance. | Fishing Rod | - |
Curse of Drowned | Chance to fish up a Drowned Zombie. | Fishing Rod | - |
️ Weapon Enchantments
️ Name | Description | Applies To | ️ Conflicts With |
Bane of Netherspawn | Extra damage to nether mobs. | Swords, Axes | Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Village Defender |
Blindness | Chance to apply Blindness effect on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Confusion | Chance to apply Nausea effect on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Cure | Chance to cure Zombified Piglins and Zombie Villagers. | Swords, Axes | - |
Curse of Death | Chance of dying if you kill a player. | Swords, Axes | - |
️ Cutter | Reduces enemy armor durability and unequips it. | Swords, Axes | - |
️ Decapitator | Chance to drop enemy's head on kill. | Swords, Axes | - |
️ Double Strike | Chance to inflict double damage. | Swords, Axes | - |
Exhaust | Chance to apply Hunger effect on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Exp Hunter | Gain more exp from mobs. | Swords, Axes | - |
️ Ice Aspect | Chance to apply Slowness effect on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Infernus | Launches a flaming Trident. | Tridents | - |
Nimble | Moves mob loot directly to inventory on kill. | Swords, Axes | - |
️ Paralyze | Applies Mining Fatigue on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Rage | Grants Strength on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Rocket | Launches enemy into space. | Swords, Axes | - |
Scavenger | Extra loot from mobs. | Swords, Axes | - |
Surprise | Applies a random effect on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Swiper | Steals XP from players. | Swords, Axes | - |
Temper | Deals more damage based on lost health. | Swords, Axes | - |
Thrifty | Chance to receive mob Spawn Egg on kill. | Swords, Axes | - |
Thunder | Summons lightning strike on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Vampire | Regains health on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Venom | Applies Poison effect on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
️ Village Defender | Deals more damage to Pillagers. | Swords, Axes | Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Bane of Netherspawn |
Wither | Applies Wither effect on hit. | Swords, Axes | - |
Universal Enchantments
Name | Description | ️ Applies To | ️ Conflicts With |
Restore | Item loses enchant but is brought back with durability. | All Items | - |
Soulbound | Prevents item from being dropped upon death. | All Items | Curse of Vanishing |
️ Curse of Breaking | Takes extra durability points. | All Items | Unbreaking |
️ Curse of Mediocrity | Disenchants items dropped by blocks, mobs, or players. | Tools, Weapons | - |
Curse of Misfortune | No drops/loot from mobs or blocks. | Tools, Weapons | Fortune, Looting |
️ Curse of Fragility | Prevents item from being grindstoned or anviled. | All Items | - |
Last edited: 1 day ago